
Immanuel Mar Thoma Church, Virginia (IMTCVA) Organizations

No matter your age or life-stage, there’s always a way to get plugged in one of our ministries. Join us on Sundays throughout the year.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School remains the primary institution that provides an environment for children to study the Bible. The goal of Sunday school is to “bring every child to Jesus”. Children are our greatest blessings from God. It is our collective responsibility as parents and teachers to ensure that our children seek knowledge and wisdom from scriptures and grow in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Youth Fellowship (YF)/ Yuvajanasakhyam

The Mar Thoma Youth Fellowship (YF)/ Yuvajanasakhyam is organized with a view that all the young people in the Church should accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. The YF is dedicated to becoming stewards in the Kingdom of God. The YF goal is to be united and continuously grow in the relationship with God and with one another. The YF mission is to equip every youth to grow in strong faith with Christ and be a true Christian.

Young Family Fellowship (YFF)

Young Families Fellowship (YFF) is intended for the organization of leadership training seminars for Young Families in Diaspora. Strong families are the foundation of strong churches and communities. YFF is focused on helping families grow together as disciples of Jesus as a group of young families glorifying and serving God through family life. YFF is a place to build faith based friendships and learn from each others’ successes and struggles.

Parish/Edavaka Mission

The formation of Voluntary Evangelists Association (Lay Ministry). Mission in Church, Intercessory prayer, Bible study, Sharing and Witnessing. 

Sevika Sanghom (Women’s Ministry)

Mar Thoma Sevika Sanghom is the women's organization that was established to play a significant role in the evangelistic. All women in our parish are members of the Sevika Sangham. The Vicar of the Parish serves as President.

Church Choir

The choir is an integral part of our Church. It plays a leadership role in the music ministry of our Church. The choir has a mission which is to serve the church and in turn serve God by delivering songs in worship and praise, endeavor to develop a sense of spiritual well being among the parishioners and to provide opportunities to the youth to participate in the Holy Communion/ Qurbana service in a meaningful way. The choir has been part of the communal worship and inspiration to many believers. As the most colorful wing of the parish, choir strives to achieve comfort to the sick and less fortunate. In addition, we help the worship celebrant during Holy Communion/ Qurbana through praise and worship. The choir has been our comfort during many events including marriage, death and social events. The choir provides an opportunity to not only learn new songs but also to have a closer relationship with each other that goes a long way in building a sense of unity and purpose.

Outreach Ministry (Neighborhood Mission)

The Outreach Ministry/Neighborhood Mission exists to encourage us to reach our neighbors with the love of Christ by meeting their various needs. The MTC as a whole, and various organizations within the church have lead various outreach activities to reach our neighbors with the Gospel for many years. Patients Visit, Conducting prayer meeting, Humanitarian service, and neighborhood mission.

Area Prayer Groups

IMTCVA has four area prayer groups within the North Virginia area. Prayer is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication. God has established prayer as a means to which we receive His help.